What every pregnant woman needs to know
MY HUSBAND and I bought a new house this summer. I can’t even begin to tell you how exciting it is to be back living in the Highlands; birth home for me, and a new beginning for Mr H.
Every time there was an opportunity to drive past our new home I took it. Whenever I was in a shop or online I’d see something and think about where I might put it in our new home.
I looked at photos of it nearly every day. I googled it to find out more about the history of the house. I did the research on service providers and what type of fuel best suited our fire.
I was imagining family celebrations in the garden, where we’d put the Christmas tree, which parts of the house the sun would warm first in the morning… I even wanted to know which day bin collection would be! I went to see the inside of the house FOUR times in total, even though we made an offer after the first.
I had a burning desire to feel connected to our new home ALL the time… until we finally had the keys in our hands and it became 100% REAL.
Why am I telling you this?
Because this was OUR way of connecting to our new home, of bonding with it, and if you’re pregnant then bonding with your baby can be this easy.
Pregnant women I work with (prenatal yoga, hypnobirthing, coaching) tell me that they want to connect and support their baby but feel a bit silly talking to their bump or don’t really know what to say. Let’s face it, the concept of growing a tiny person in your body is a bit weird!
The relationship that you, your partner (husband, wife) have with your baby is really important. It helps them to feel safe and secure. Before they are even born meeting their needs and caring for them helps shape how their brain develops, and it supports you to adapt your mind and create space for them in your life.
Showing tenderness and love for your baby during pregnancy and beyond helps them to manage their feelings, and develop safe and healthy relationships throughout life.
Prenatal bonding doesn’t need to be some complicated ritual where you’re lighting candles and speaking meaningful words of wisdom (though that’s great too).
Here are a few great ways to strengthen your baby bond:
Sing to your baby (doesn’t have to be a lullaby, one of my mums rocked out Taylor Swift to her baby bean)
Read out loud (the sound of your voice is comforting to them, great for their development and helps them feel safe and secure)
Have a warm bath and massage your bump
Talk to your baby – about your day, the weather, the type of birth you think best for both of youWrite your baby a letter (for when they’re older or just for you to explore your feelings now)
Carry your baby scan with you or put it somewhere prominent
Buy or browse baby clothes (have yet to find a mum who doesn’t start here)
Write your birth preferences / birth plan
Have a pregnancy photo shoot
Preparing the nursery or crib by your bed, packing your hospital bag; these things are practical and brilliant at helping you create a positive and confident mindset.
Dream of the first time your baby’s tiny hand wraps around your fingers
Imagine the weight and warmth of holding your baby in your arms
Feel the love that you will feel for your little one when you’re out and about as a family…
What else do you love doing to bond with your baby?
Big love
Sophia xx
PS - I’ll be launching the prenatal hub early in 2021 - it’s an amazing online blend of yoga, hypnobirthing and everything you need to know to prepare for a better birth. You can find out more here.
Meet first time mum Romilly; she enjoyed belting out Taylor Swift to her baby.